Little Miss Has Her Match
outdoors... tough as hell...
please bloody note
( not that anyone can read any more, according to Meg and mate, its largely men
a good one at last! no moaning about sex or sexuality ..
i have many little bridging videos...
i.e. a 5min load of rubbish... turn off camera to save battery... then a bit forgotten comes to mind... make a minute on that essential bridging matter... and tgen perhaps a longer bit of films i NEVER ever plan... and never watch.... but i am merely dumping on youtube the larger chunks merely to get them off the camera or it would be full ... and the little bridging bits i have never had QUIET!@!@! time with an electrical socket to concentrate on fixing this do it makes sense.... yet
i know i should one day...The lady in red was told what my full time concern and occupation was....