Tuesday 16 January 2024

"hard stop"

 Another meaningless phrase.

Has she?

Autumn 2022 I mean.

Her saving grace is she doesn't use any of their awful newwords.

Her story (autumn 2022 - in fact it was August) i do hope one day she writes as she has been a good girl...

But always is this 'c' word they don't seem to understand.

I understand the British. If anyone can.

My own 'story' ended November 2022.  

I am  constant and mean what i say.

Everything from that point is a certainty, but also if i were to ever  - maybe in years hence write it propper, it would be a trippy dream sequence of sorts. With one certainty and constant.

No details, no names (the 'name' to come) could be anywhere on shitcreek...

All i have been doing to  waste time waiting is a little study.; yes of the ecosystem that i full well know polluted a  great THE MIX ... 

BUt what is that pollution?

As if often said UK is 10 years behind USA 

And knowing it is impossible for there to be any vaguely wiseish sane words coming from any British speaker or writer i drifted back a year ago to America. I wish i could speak European languages well enough to get the FULL meaning - apparent and double, in French wireless...or Serbian military songs.... but i was lazy and anyway always kind of knew from 40 years ago not much point becoming 'fluent' even in beloved frog as to truly communicate in any new language takes more than a lifetime...

So, out of boredom waiting i airly often check in with the yanks - Heather Heyling and hubby Bret, Megan Daum.. Sarah Haider... having got to know how dodgy Peterson and others like him are n the way.

Take today, the World at One... " the post office gaslighted me"


Now i stopped bothering with their newwords when i realised a fair while ago what was going on.

In USA they came up with a lot of these sillinesses a decade ago  - everyone is a 'narcissist' or manipulator or all these endless arms race words...

BUt it all arose only in a fairly small vociferous dumbed down rather pathetic 'online' wing of nothing much to say, saying these things continually.

And it is so noticeable that the aforementioned Heather Meg sarah and others no longer use these words at all except to sneer at the users of them...by parodying their use... Meg is the queen of all that her sardonicism rather perfect, even if she has nothing new to say so i hard stop even her.

But Britain... my my ... it is as if no one told them, even yank 'intellectuals saw through all this sillyspeak years ago, as being performative..

performative self harm really

certainly harming the language.. sadly though the words we use as Wittgenstein rightly pointed out do make our 'minds'... 

Problem is i don't think Britain is curable now most classes have adopted them in conjunction with quite predictable (2.6 tril debt based) 'downturn'... if you farm out family probems, and old folk, to the state... you end up bust... European countries dont do it anything like as much...

In USA there was good ole culture warring one bullneck side sneered all along (which is me parodying as there is always a better way...Meg does bril) 

BUt Britain really DOES seem to think these words help.... mean anything...  beyond poor me i can use a trendy word to try and get MONEY from someone else like the poor Post Office who i am quite sure had their own good reason to do what they did... as some bigger 'bully' was bullying them to cut costs or whatever..

i jest. A bit.

BUt there really does seem no end to it all as.....


So for certain i am not of this place(my bloody passport). As it is simply so boring. The point of having bothered to live this far is to have actually groovy new fun thought which to my shock is quite possible every day.

In fact the only new British born fabulous find ...last Friday... what a woman!  At last. Someone born here with balls. TO say the MORALLY propper thing, against the flow... quite shocked me. I have spent half the last weekend admiring her shock of grey hair. And smiling at how she seemed to get away with her famous arrest for being very nasty to her ex...so he publicly said, i don't believe a word.... the land where the men caught up in the false allegations, too....

Nothing to do with me ... and i smile at one echo i heard via her google.

All i know is it is good i can smile.

But there isn't much point communicating to any British person them being so lost in these truly awful meaningless newwords they are just DYING to throw at you... started 15+ years ago a hilarious example ... 

A story perhaps worth telling. Except i guess " was like screwing a dead sheep in the desert so dry in there " despite being fact, may illicit some kind of thought crime arrest... yes i thought it would be othherwise... 

But the way such women ... first time her, accuse one of being 'Asperger's' cos their moronic Ex puts up with her taking him to the doctor every other week for the 'Asperger's' she discovered he must have been 'suffering'...  cos he didn't want to keep screwing the dried out sheep... (it taking two to do that tango)... ansd she becomes his Asperger's buddy and support system... 

Her 'identity'... hmmmm... licences her to accuse every other bloke who realises he made a bit of an... error... no harm in that, life is trial and error... what  trial that day in 2008  was.....being similarly afflicted .. 

(and unable of course to understand " ehh what exactly IS the point of this label if it cannot be changed...?" i think even in Yankeeland they have figured, too... you never hear these words any more.

Poor Britain.

BUt really poor Britain is not understanding gfait accompli is superb and also (i know women hate me cos) having a great memory means ... you remember what you said...

I remember EVERY SINGLE slightly false promise i made from 20 years ago... the year it took to get the cheap nag i had promised my daughter may be a few months...

And a few sort of pledges from around 2010... but i had rather a lot working against me i dont 'blame' but acknowledge with good reason i failed in a few minor acts of being CONSTANT...

one 2013... though that one hindsight showed probably for the better.

Remembering ones failures s great and i know full well is THE key to 'mental health' that phase when you have pondered some previous little failures, acknowledge they are only our own fault and not to repeat...is the true key to authenticity and then great mental health always...

And if one valued A N Other.. then remebering THEIR little inconsistencies is in fact ONLY becauseyou care - we dont bother taking note of the mess of folk we do not care about.

In fact as ANY parent knows - or should... though i am not sure in the UK for years i am quite sure in Serbia or Outer Mongolia they still know, we CHALLENGE (only) those we love to do a bit better if and when they can..

Nope i am sure that is arrestable under some weird UK law nowadays..

So in short i can and will prove one day with a range of interesting yankee talks and the like, UK went and stayed far more nuts than USA... really...

UK truly does have a problem and obviously if every tea lady who worked at a Post office is on radio 4 accusing someone of 'gaslighting' 

And the 4 chan presenter babe of course LOVES it - "we got REAL angry vox pops popping at them with the great new arrest words!!"

there is no hope.... not for MANY years so if not for any other reason this really is the reason to off fuck to some saner society...

Like Australia (i left age 18 1/2 as so obviously seist pig its laughable..made me cry)

Anyway i have been doing the 'work'...anyone i loved i would say to them " really... dont bother sticking around here [the country]... i cannot see how there is much hope.... and all the 'intellectuals' still homo-erotiocally seem to only worship one long dead 'god'... Christopher Hitchens... he not only couldnt make his mind up if he was one, but MOST of his principles he would back peddle on...  intelligent pacifistish chap end up being number one mate of Blair jingoing Gulf War 2...  [ listen radio 4 staurday evening prog on their Godhitch]... "

if you cannot be (say Be ing past maybe 40ish... )constant most of the time... i go as far to say you are not "human" ... humans ARE only 'ideas' ... thought = civilisation...obviously changing ones mind on some things is great !  no English woman i have ever met can do so thats also a (near 'narcissistic') neurosis..

It is impossible to have any alliance, or helpmeeting or in fact even Be friends if one chops and changes values ideals... 

And yet their god - Fry, Amis all of them was arch lost neurotic man unable to BE CONSTANT ever really....just a performer

A sad circus clown.... with a posh voice.

 Thats not good for anyone...

And is no conceivable basis for any society or community..

never mind knowing what the 'common good' may..

 be or not.