Friday 2 February 2024

 ... but you forgive a stuckerated Serbian lost boat peep ( we had loads of them, was it after Vietnam ? or some other great "Eastern" philosophy zenny lovefest ...of blood and guts....... one forgets)

" hermitude" ing....

UK had best culture in the world 70s, 80s,  even if some yank, even the BBC managed to regularly run Deerhunter ... the PARENTS of the moaning " our boys"  as they perform to sexy perfection the black widowhood of the bereaved mum... i would see slowdancing  the streets at Horrorford at funeral time, blaming someone else rather than themselves for not recalling the superb message in that great film: that war will at best ' traumatise' your little nipper, too... and learn from it:  lock her/him in a basement for life if s/he ever says  " mum i want to... "  for their own benefit... nope  

" my heroic lost boy" blahh blahh...

 uk so confused, it forgot its own great minds of then, even i get confused .... only for 5 mins...


but i have no confusion ( having a decade meandered, Syria... blahh blahh...) i blame onky the parents...

breakfast chat

no more

" looky here...doesnt matter what your on-drugs teachers say.... Sarajevo...  we saw the Blue Helmets... out if tvat pain and fear and every day misery on our tellies.... were the only way forward... did more good than any occadional harm any wonky 'human' may also

do ... 

its so so 


and nothin changed, 50 year old tanks playing on the plains of Central Europe....

but they never even managed that... uk  parents went bonkers decades ago