first bad draft.
The only word new to me i have liked for years. From her....
... but
theres a real " human" problematical conflict
even in her lovely hermitude word.
topic that is at root:
The disatrous ( i believe) 'professionalisation' of the English language over the last 15 years i know is not a good turn of events...
all these words such as ' trauma' - far better the old far nicer softer human words such as 'hurt'...
to even say the word " traumatic" feels a little traumatic, whereas saying the word hurts just hurts a little less
depression - " wonky" works far better
and even ' empathy' ... a story within maybe helps with what empathy, is...
and you cannot get it from a book or teacher
etc etc etc..
and others just as cause and effect = negative
such a long waffle but its 30years of pondering and living a range of interwoven ... knowing
for a rainy day
( hmmm is that a better way to show the link to the substack waffle?.... i do content, not presentation the mo)
The ( british born) Mermaids rather misanthropically and vudu leaning, preach " solitude"... when in fact it is fake.
hashtag ferret wetcunts kill them
hashtag explaining eye to eye to an incomer to rural lands, actual nature and rural life to thr ex supermodel, past sell by date, going a tad rancid, " if a ferret doesnt have sex once a year she dies"... is good fun
hashtag what REALLY is " community"