i really did think and say
( interview one day..
to the wonderful woman i met New years day her and i walking the cliffs
" you did a fine thing battlin' the NTSEES..... to get their rights, to live... and reintroducing them, you the queen of, these new lives
even if interbred a tad, so fight fight fight fight on for your immo blood!!
gey huffy for the chuffies
the meanie nazis wont thus far
countenance, price of everything value of nowt
is their mind
all immos are good, but especially their blood!
keeps the brood fully BODILY fit and
.. but truth, first time i was close to some on a hillock...i did think ' hmmm i can see why you may have gone a bit nearly extinct waddlin around like that; and a rather silly song.. reminds me of the dodo.'... gosh you walk fast youre great and wonderfully skinny...... from FIGHTING your cause so well as its the fightin
keeps you thin!.."
But, bathrime dawn today ... see them flyin' free ...
place of no people, pokin cameras atem
gettin' sexy
i've changed my mind
no other Londoner-on-Stepford-Sound could do... what i first think, will only
( isnt actually the definition of 'thinking')
PLUS obvious how not to iron shirts, and other super duperest simple livin' tips.. i am loyal :
NOTHING here ( since feb 22 2023
the day she
dot dot dot
makes sense nor is anything like as beautiful as one daybit will Be..
without zillions of often quite good photos woven in... but they take so much more with-sicket concentrstion time...
And as i found the only sane old bird yest who can even follow "human" requestings " please acknowledge even with just one word [ as her setting meto and even calling meto ' spam' which made me laugh a real laugh] ... she was told who are the 'narcissistic loudmouths..'... so i cannot, yet...get to work, i don't want... making this all, popularly looking nice..twas only ever just for one....
no capital J thats for sure[ today]... and she was going to be given 5 k of free books... long ago i thought"