Thursday 29 February 2024

Sometimes ...


One should perraps.. let, allow, coerce, manipulate, blackmale, 'manifest' even: "you goddesses, will decide what the zen of this day is.."

Aside, yes, but talk about a masterclass  - any workshopper wouldn't be able to afford, so truly living in [her?] .. utter 'NOW'-moment; at 15.15 they called me.... and even saving half an hour means....

Yes Odd-esses... i shall not fight your choosing which pathway or not...

There is no moment in the annals as zen-of-kairos (did i load the vid explaining i utterly HATEcrime the word 'zen'  - the most inadequate trendy useless little word ever invented, and i think the inventors sum up the problem - they think life can be summed up in one sentence or one dumb little word, when ANY communication etween grown ups requires at least 3 sentences, ideally paragraphs...

but ...she used it so it works for her ... in the babe-hell of communicating with anyone...keep it simple!

To the words the only desired reader may 'understand'... i bet not...

As all that crappy new writing has twisted it around a  parson's nose and repurposed it as a contraceptive device, when normal "birds" just get on with it like the Bees...without all that  contrived contraption, called, 'choice' ...