Friday 29 March 2024

The banal evality* in even

 ... her Eckhart "Tolle please "...  to consume the worst ever subtly evil " art of relating" nothing but dangerous, loneliness causing [ and as its obviously endemic and scientifically proven to Be... the one greatest cause of illness, even early death, he ,  is as evil as any Jen o' cider ...with his  fantasy standards to aim for..absurd in nothing more than you must Be with someone all the way,for a fair while Be fore seeing any bad stuff in there... for real]... but you also die younger, living alone....

good definition of evil on my bool even if ypu hate the sin, never the sinner... even a warped sad dangerous sick pne like him...

a far far better actress than ANYone i ever knew...  by 20 years ago i knew crystal clear, Be near no one who drinks much... the worst of all personality damaging poisons. .

And the guilt the Eckhaet disciples must have, poor 5hongs, emotionally Jen o' cided ..  when 'they ' fail yet there are so many children out there masquerading as grown ups.. .... blaming themselves: " i must not have Understood, all of Master Eckhart... i am not worthy of his saccharine smile.... my fault really"  is more Nazi than Pol Pot's... reeducation camps in hell...

It... the big 'it' .. may go one can help understand it or herd feelings, ideas... . but here is THE real mindful fuckin band aid

that works...

* obvious play on Arendt, even if it is extraordinary how 99.9% of  they would claim educated women have never heard lf the one unimpeachable goddess  of writing ..  and the word " when there are things you cannot say im a society, we already have a tyranny" so often i try to help with simplest rhetoric...nope none listen