Friday 17 May 2024


 As i sat down at the... not River Piedra, and i never weep....

Quite explicitly to  rev up into a 30 minute video waffle-splurge...

To add the next bit here, after

Big 30 min happiness part 4  all in my head...

AND it is good... weaving together themes ready to sit under the cliff and dance while delivering to camera.... I have forgotten now,  

" ...well i gave you a cracker...!" 

What an extraordinarily funny person,  

at a theoretically terribly and most forgivably unhappy .. 

' life event'

My friggin ' boundaries' are made of cast iron , none of this tin-pot softie stuf.... and my never before ( as i just go with the flow)  boundary today was this subject needs to be mined,  so as to  pan the gold from the sand... no arsenic involved, as i was never poisoned, by any of... them .. 

That i do  know for sure.... 

And i was on a focused bourlnfaried, no tangents,  mission, specifically only to do that, which is a never before..

...and then....

But " happiness" is: knowing every word  temporarily lost,  will return to me at first light tomorrow. It always does