Sunday 5 May 2024

Is there one authentic Serb?


she's old enough ( some " birds" get 60 something,  and grow the fuck up

.... audio yesterday, and LOTS more audios over the last year...

many interviews with wonderful  older ones, some need bleeping... will take time... 

including  randomly picked up nationally famous nestbeschmutzer  pointy  tale " bird" ..i have a very rich life thank you very much, even if a total waste as no one EVER does anything, 'next'..

and waste makes me sad)

pics not mine

So, a few months ago... Feb, in a local venue ( so rude and fake, last week: " we close at two"    as i entered and  was en route to use their socket ....which is simply astonishing... really really acedia...thieves in fact!! . all the public and charity begging bowl  money they get) 

Speaking with a chap my age ' volunteer' 

As always with these venues, full of younger or even older ' volunteers' all in their new clothes, actually caked with  layers of makeup and hairdye.... 

when ALL the watercourses of the region...

 ( interview yesterday with best ever 50 year resident 71 year old 

" bird" .. for some reason name-shy so i must bleep....

her words as we

... stood by the river  Piedra-Cot  and wept... ( thats the evil Paulo book i was given by her, the first Maggie Merm near 20 years ago

I adore wikki at last, truth

vagrants what a gorgeous word, for me... caught by the old one yestermorn,  doing my ablutions

Birdwatchers visit in autumn to see rare vagrants and migratory birds. More recently Cornish choughs have been seen in the

I dont want to know the name of the stream....  as it is truly sad and weepie how fucked it makes me weep real tears not their crocodile ones

She told me 50 years she has walked by it since a new bride at 19.... ( of Italian mineworker these fuckin dinosaurs voted BREXIT too,  like the dinosaur Welsh)  

her words " the stream is full of    [ mainly domestic outflow, just like the upper Wye]     chemicals" 

Anyway  a lot needs filling in here from the last year, and a LOT is funnier than one may imagine

tragicom smiley sedition-lite

Indeed all is just satire, on them....  basically the poster child, every one, for ' virtue signalling' but its with very very small arms,  semaphoring....  into the gales

I have found it interesting ( and explains far more the 'woke' ) how truly well versed they are ( except the older  truthtalk " birds" ) at being on autopilot...

i know about autopilots

good old Mentour... he is a superb communicator,  actually, and  this one on how nutjob  Ramadan kills people,  he only slightly racist hints at ragheadness being the cause, and,  they NEVER mention, himtoo

 " many yank pilots... and some Brits/  European ... used to be pissed at the controls, some still are... [ i worked a few months at Manx Airline flying twin otters  from their utterly sexist dinosaur pig island, in lateish 80s, and  i left,  as 95% of the other pilots were dull, truly bad alcoholics -  often still drunk in the morning for first flight of  the day from still boozing heavily at 3am night before.....

one is far far far less likely to be with a drunk pilot in Raghead lands..." )

but its good on autopilots: 

if you program the autopilot ( FMS) with bullshit, it kills everyone on board, as sure as ferrets are  ferrits..

EVERY younger woman  below 53,  and many over i have met,  here... is on verbal autopilot ( the definition of my words  " its just London" ) they just automatically say  smiley virtuey  bullshit to seem nice and fun and yummy ' manifesting'  "love-me"........ clearly etched into their circuits....  to only please, as it is the script they learned,  when they have NO idea of reality outside their sad [ stolen riches]  ritchbitch  cockpit... 

in this totally eco vandalised region with SO many damaged and druggie teens. fact

just like ALL The Marches, especially Hay-on-Wye

when its bullshit,  they have no idea what they speak of, ref family/  the environment or anything ( and i only see psychodrama  sick dysfunctiinal " community")

so,  the Serb... the very old one 

Talking with Bill in the arts space.... that sells itself on  ' we aim to cover and DO something about  the environmental disaster'  as a con... i have never seen so much makeup layered on,  and new status clothing EVERYwhere.... at their reception desk

and as always here, truly rubbish art...

a lightbulb moment: 

So if  Marina Abramović

.... as usual with every Central European i ever knew, 50 years behind real civilised  sex equal culture, knowing.... as in the West every woman i knew in my 20s  knew thick makeup is for dolly birds...... and a sexist construct....

blessem... maybe one day they will catch up....

Anyway to Bill, showing off-  he had just been to see the above rubbish ' installation' art in London, boadting he can get to ....London..... by a celebrity Serb, Our Ms A.... who frankly should have been unborn, to the shot in the head,  granfather of the one i thought was ...authentic.... guess i was wrong..

anyway Ms A's art i followed:

 utter rubbish and i BELIEVE in ' performance art' ... it was important in the early 80s as useful statement..

in the 60s perfart DID change things... i am no cynic

good perfart matters

 but she is just a lousy self publicising not very deep  parasite...

to Bill: 

"   gave me an idea!! ... so Marina... getting v old now..

" she is into very ascetic,  even if fake,  perfart ... not so ascetic herself.... and her photos  like all others trying to deny her age ... [ my  arty Serb uniquely seemed not to ?... why i ... got in touch..its THE key to being  modern " human"..and 'zen' ... not deny age... hardly anyone has that key any more ohh well i wasted my time]...

" but  age 70s often one starts to speak REAL truth....  maybe not if former Soviet, i despair... as ive loved 2 

.. one, only.... properly,  for what i thought she was... 

and anyway,  knew well from Bolivia  6 yrs ago the new generation, a young Romanian woman age 23  with her  Frog bloke,  them at the environmental uni in Cochabamba.... ...she was totally authentic,  simply best human i ever ever ever  met.. as she knows..[Bernhard'

 Extinction,  on her bedside table]

" Anyway.... the very old Serb....  

"99.9% of art,  for decades,  is anodyne  confused, pointless show off marcissistic  crap... [ my art man Peter says ... and he's a 75 yr old art tutor] ....even The Mong's....  

so... if she does installations of real monkish ascetic  minimalism.... in boxes...

.maybe she would support my lightbulb moment idea....

performed art ' strike'

" i know oligarchs...

 they at least generally know SOME science ( oilslix fuck their fishing for example)

so... they know oilbased or any paint really in watercourses is just as much a problem.... never mind it is oil, or other chemicals... 

a symbolic arty set of rolling random  strikes

art sales places closing SOME of the time.... randomly

' darling... lets take the covers off the vintage Boxer and blast down to Just and maybe see what  new  crap stuff [ experts confirm]  Kurt 50 grand a pop ...' ...

and they get  there

 ' all this way and...  bugger me darling theyre randomly closed for the day... just to make a point on the environment, the sign on the door says.. we must all suffer now to save the planet for nextgen...' 

... aristo/ oligarchs love art that stabs THEM up the jaxii... especially..!.... they will at least 'get' it ... the ulultimate act of [ Reggie Perrin ' Grot'  style  performance art..]...."

but i need a team.... helpmeet companera..

just to spread the idea...

no man can say anything in the uk and the only men-women,  with balls i ever meet seem to be 63 and ill or too old to care at 71....