Wednesday 15 May 2024

So, the worst chronicle ever in the history of

 ...the world.

I do not use the word blog.

( It is almost laughable, but very sad, how the "oneness" brigade  have gone over to the absurd truly bad new words especially 'data point' )

It may be factually incorrect, but I often say ' blogs' have been around 500years, the first one

Who ok, collected his  ramblinh essays into a big fat book but i bet he let his mates come and have a look now and again at the scribbles on his writing desk.

So what really is the difference? ....

Chronicle, Proustian stream of consciessness, written on toilet paper by his bed when he runs out of notepads,  pamphleteering at the market or ancient London coffee house....

scribbles and waffles

One thing i do know, that the fakes.... or so called 

Charles Eisenstein (born 1967) is an American public speaker, teacher and author. His work covers a wide range of topics, including the....

" teacher"!!!

bleedin eck!, an actual teacher  starts with facts, of ferkin 'data points' if you are a silly childman: 

1. we failed... there is not one new thing, except childmen new smartwords ... in the charmy,  high  production values, expensively camera'd words of  non entities like 

....  A carbon copy, in so many ways, of another fey ex city boy, i simply cannot believe there is a wikepedia on

who learned a few instruments, went to a few festivals in the 'countryside'  no doubt,  to gobble drugs and girlies in his young adulthood..

And created the whole nature-spiritual man new image with utterly nothing to say ( i would observe, 2020 almost laughing at the New Messiah gigs, saving the world with the worst rubbish songs i have ever heard 

"premiering on youtube/zoom ... be there and   be part of the ultra change"  smiley smiley smiley..... from the expensive, antique scattered front room in some designer rural ' retreat' they will have bought off some less well off local.... always with some afghan carpet tastefully arranged as video camera backdrop...) 

If one of these childmen  ever said " i will sell off my rural ' retreat',   i like to show off so perfectly bohonewage on youtube via ... /  or 3 grand new video camera, at below cost price when ive  got bored of myself and go and hide in a cave finding something ORIGINAL to say..." i will eat my wellies as they believe capitalism needs ' changing'

Even if they did, they would be blocked by the woman indoors, poor thing... had to raise his spawn,  as she aint stupid, the 4wd ..or newword, 'SUV' .. she likes to swank around in, and her spawn need ' protecting' inside, sure eats up ...MONEY... at the pump and garage when it breaks down....

All i know is my utterings are not as dangerous for " human"ity as these ... childmen new messiah  ex city boys turned ... 

i know not what.

One could critiue the whole sales pitch ... 


"Are you sure your ' loving' behaviour is an actual real ' data point' ..."?

Every day, always...

And their charmy camera smiley image is so perfect, no one would ever assume they may...objectively...not quite walk the walk...

But that sounds ' negative energy' or " judgemental" ... we knew 50 years ago the tragic bad acts of even Ian Brady or Myra are down to some quirk in childhood... all "human" s ... born largely.. innocent and decent 

And understanding anyone is the key to " forgiveness" ...

forgiveness ( IS " bodily") .. you know when it is real, as you feel free... and thus is not just showoff words ..

But its the words on nature that rile... 

nature is NOT a ' oneness'..

And i love the ideas of Donal Hoffman 

BUT... 2020 !!!!!!!!

when he simply started to be interviewed on his basic MATHs...  that suggest a description of ' reality' based on consciousness as the fundamental building block of my thick head and the coffee cup  in my hand...

NO idea WHY!!

and more importantly

 " my theorey could NEVER be tested!"  meaning never proved.

That is a true mind!

But he never spoke of ' matrix' or 'hologram' ...  these childmen who wanked off to Keannau Reeves  in their bedroom, as most didnt have a dad  coming up to be a dad in their bedroom and keep them grounded.... have adorbed him into this duff world based on science fiction.... 


But... the usual wank " nature is oneness" ...

I have lived 50% at least of my existence from age 10 in nature...outside in it.

' nature' or life on planet polutedearth

is all a symbiosis... for sure... " human" is about 90% other ( forms if genetically seperate)  life that has merged .. there is no " human" .. ( except that of a more  highly elaborate form of intelligence)

but nature is not some cute benign  teddy bear  that smiles at ... one,  onnessly...

( and Budhists are murderous cunt  genocideres if you are a Rahinger..or is it rohinger...muslim i cant be bothered to spell check..... thank you very much!! 

so their zen aint quite as pukka as these menchild profess...) 

nature is an ebb flow... or  usually functional symbiosis...   a species learned to colonise.... my colon...  it provides a nice house for that species,  and in time it becomes a ' benefit' to my bottie and ' body' ( not mine really, as  fact is .

. actual real data fucking point descriptor: its a human shaped biome...  )

if it ... the bacteria evolves to ' benefit' the overall performance of the H S  B .. it  has more kids / lives longer etc... ( well simply has more kids by mass Trojan whoring and kidnapping all nice totty ... is not a surefire ESS but... )

then the HSB  and invader bacteria merge their lifepaths .. or ... life histories or ideal or whatever new word ( we knew all this fifty years ago... and more.!!!..) it is often mutual benefit...

dometimes it goes wrong tjough..

 sometimes some other species..

 happen to be prevelent im a region of the planet ..

 such as the nettle patch over there... where the grass cannot grow....

its a hiddledy  piggledy ebb and flow... of different lifeforms that are not a 

" onneness" ... there is a ' natural'   very gradual ...  balance that isnt really may appear so to so artogant " human"

eg Himalayan Balsam.... ( Esti called popping plant)

xxx insert vid

100 or so years ago no Himalayan Balsam in uk...or maybe more

Some Victorian rambler brought some seeds back...and rabdomly... this non ' native' species, loved our climate... 

And go to many riverbanks eg The Wye ... it simply outgrew ALL other plants... 

its a  fuckin deathcult  genocidere!! 

its not in harmony or oneness....

myself i think it has an equal 'right' to exist so i love it...

i am irrelevent.

it may mutate as it finds itself at the next river up and be a little less genocidal....  and overal across the whole country/ REGION it can tollerate.... ( it cannot tollerate or even live in arid places) ... a bit of overall balance cimes back in... 

the prob with that ' story' is human seed carrier...

cos a milliom years ago some lost drunk  " bird" having dipped her beak in lilac wine ( the naturally occurring alcohol in rotting fruit that makes Bees pissed in august...) ... as she is migrating from australia to UK gets pissed ends up in the Himalayas  before the navigation  systems reboot..

and ends up in her ' normal' summer campground...YUK... and shits out a not fully dugested Himalayan Balsam seed....

so man is not even ' part' of nature in any relevent way..

except we massively increased the RATE of change... in ' nature' ... 

But thete is no ' oneness' ... 

i am a bunny hugging, flower child,  adoring even every weed...

 but it aint in 'oneness..'. 

its all a gorgeous chaotic bloody mess....

And we came along and piss in our own nest

( no animals do)

and so piss around the place...with man made/ inserted,  molecules ' nature' hasnt adapted to yet [ it would in millions of years, even shitcreek prozac kaced bogshite] hardly anything else   has a chance to keep up... so most of the rest dies out  or begins to... 

but the real these false Profits...

DO nothing.... because waste and dull waste of resources ... is the main reason 

...and their "bird" dont get her fingernails chipped saving the rotting reusable wood... 

or just making sure that ALL is shared out fully, always.!!!.. like her SUV....